Name: Shaconda Junious
Sport: Triathlon
Age Group: 30-34
Hometown: Rochester, NY
Number of Years Racing/Competing: 1 year
B.E.S.T. Coach: Coach Sarah Portella
Racing Career Highlights:
- 2018 just completed her first 70.3 triathlon!
As a kid, Shaconda loved being outside riding her bike, playing basketball, or swimming. When she wasn’t doing outdoor activities she could be found inside reading books or playing video games.
Everyone has a different story as to how they got into the sport of triathlon, and Shaconda is no different. While out on a century training ride with a friend she discovered her friend had completed multiple marathons, ultras and half ironman events. Shaconda was so impressed she expressed her desire to complete a triathlon even though she hadn’t thought it would be possible. Her friend recommended Mountain Lakes Sprint Triathlon and told Shaconda that she would train with her for the event. Well her endorphins were sky high on that 75 mile ride and the belief her friend had in her that she could do it made her sign up. She went for it and two months later they completed the event. And she was hooked.
Shaconda is inspired by other athletes that train hard, compete, overcome adversity, and just BEAST! They give her so much inspiration to push more, give more. She has an amazing support network that motivates her to chase her goals and give her all. They push her most when she thinks she has nothing left to give. She is fascinated by the challenge. There is something about setting a goal, conquering fear and doubt, and beating the odds.
Shaconda’s first goal in triathlon was to finish her first half ironman within the cut-off time and feel good crossing the finish line, and she did! Her future goals are to continue to compete, improve her times, and to have fun. She wants to maintain balance between joy/pain and struggle/triumph. What’s the point of all the hard work if it is not also fun?
When she is not training, Shaconda still loves to do the things she did as a child. She finds joy in putting her feet up and diving into a novel; she loves a good book! She still loves being outdoors cycling (road bike, fixed gear, steel, aluminum, or the gigantic city rental bikes!), hiking in the woods or taking in urban landscapes. She loves to travel and will hike, bike, and explore wherever she goes.